Question Time: Why do Real Estate Agents get a bad rap???


So, I meet many people in my career, all the time. Open houses, answering phones, grocery shopping, etc. However, I cant help but notice how darn negative people are about real estate agents. I get it all the time. I mean, I know we have the reputation of a used car salesman, but I don’t know, the last time I bought a used car (mind you, it was just the other day), I wasn’t at all offended that he wanted to sell me a car! ITS HIS JOB!! And he did it well. Came right out and greeted us, wasn’t pushy, just helpful. So I am often baffled when I ask someone if I can help them and they are offended! I’m not actually selling you anything, I’m here for assistance to help you to buy or sell a home. Either way, I want to know, what the one thing that makes real estate agents off-putting? What are you afraid of? I’d love to here everyone’s opinions đŸ™‚

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